2023.11.29 Dr Larena LAW @TEDxTinHauWomen 2023
pub date: 2023/11/29<< Dr Larena LAW @TEDxTinHauWomen 2023 >>
Dr LAW @TEDxTinHau on 2023.11.14
On 14th Nov 2023, our amazing speaker, Dr Laurena Law, shares how to live the aging process peacefully: Sarcopenia, a physiological condition that gradually degenerates.
Build muscle through simple daily exercises to achieve a long-term, pain-free healthy life.
Dr. Law and her husband Mr. Dino Hira combine spirituality and science to achieve health and longevity.
今天2023.11.14我們出色的演講者羅醫生(Dr Laurena Law ) 分享如何安然地渡過在老化的過程中:生理狀況逐漸退化的肌少症(Sarcopenia) 。
羅醫生和她的丈夫Mr Dino Hira 一起結合靈性與科學,來實現健康長壽。
TEDxTinHauWomen Hosts, Speakers & Guests, what a party!